Availability: In Stock

PLEASE NOTE: Toxins cannot be returned, refunded, or exchanged for store credit.


  1. Free Saline Inclusion: This product includes free saline to mix with the toxin. However, there is a possibility that the saline package may be missing, broken, or damaged during shipping. Unfortunately, we cannot offer compensation through store credit or reshipment. Saline is widely available at pharmacies, and you can purchase it at your local pharmacy or online.

  2. Appearance of Empty Bottle: At first glance, the bottle may appear empty; however, we assure you that it is not. Botulinum toxins are mostly delivered in powdered form (except for products like Innotox). The powder is very fine and might be mistaken for an empty bottle. We guarantee that the correct amount is provided. You will need to dilute the toxin with saline before use.

  3. Melted Ice During Shipping: When ordering botulinum toxins, please be aware that during the summer season, despite proper packaging, products may arrive warm or even hot. Based on our experience and test results, the product's effectiveness may reduce by up to 10%. Please consider this information carefully before proceeding with your purchase.

  4. Storing Diluted Product: Once opened and mixed, botulinum toxin products are recommended to be used within 24 hours, according to the product description. However, based on medical advice, it is still best to use the units as soon as possible. If you have remaining toxin after the initial use, it may be stored and used for up to one month, but its effectiveness may decrease by up to 10%. Always store diluted toxins in the refrigerator.


Botulax 100U is a product with unique properties based on the new formula. More than 99% of the active substance is the most active botulinum neuroprotein with a total mass of 900.

The product acts precisely on the cause of expression wrinkles, that is, muscle activity as a result of which defects are formed on the skin of the face in the form of folds, creases, wrinkles.

Application area:

  • The product is used in the forehead, interbrow zone, nose bridge.
  • Correction results in the eyes, nasolabial folds, chin area and corners of the mouth.
  • It is also effective for the correction of facial contours (Botox lifting), as a result, the restoration of the lost shape of the facial contours, skin tightening is achieved.

Administration Protocol:

Diluting Botulax toxin is a precise process critical for achieving safe and effective treatment outcomes. Follow these step-by-step instructions to properly dilute Botulax 100U vial.

Supplies Needed:

  • Botulax botulinum toxin 100U vial
  • 1 mL syringes with 20 gauge needles (for drawing up) and 30G 0.5-inch needles (for injecting). Insulin syringes with attached 31G needles are also suitable.
  • 0.9% sodium chloride (saline), preferably bacteriostatic/preserved
  • Alcohol pads
  • Gauze
  • Ice packs
  • Topical anesthetic (optional)
  • Marker/pencil (optional)
  • Sharps container

Injection Preparation:

  1. Sanitize hands and don medical gloves.
  2. Extract the Botulax vial from its packaging.
  3. Remove the plastic cap, leaving the metal ring intact.
  4. Use an alcohol pad to clean the rubber stopper of the Botulax vial.
  5. For a 100U vial, draw up 2.0 ml of room-temperature sterile saline into the syringe. For a 50U vial, draw up 1.0 ml. The saline may be drawn into one or two 1.0 ml syringes, or a larger syringe can be used, ensuring the correct volume of saline for dilution.
  6. Insert the needle into the center of the Botulax vial's rubber stopper and gently press the syringe plunger to add the saline. Repeat with additional syringes if necessary, or use the same syringe to add a total of 2.0 ml of sterile saline.
  7. Discard needles in a sharps container.
  8. Swirl the Botulax vial gently to mix. Avoid shaking.
  9. Let the prepared Botulax sit for 5 minutes while preparing for the treatment.
  10. Use a 30 or 31G 0.5-inch needle for injections.

Procedure Technique:

  • Follow general cleansing and makeup removal for the treatment area.
  • Mark injection sites as required.
  • Customize injections based on individual patient assessments.
  • Adhere to treatment plans for specific muscle groups.

Treatment of Frown Lines (Glabellar Lines):

  1. Identify target muscles: procerus and corrugators.
  2. Use dynamic assessment to tailor injections.
  3. Inject deeply at bony origin of medial corrugator, keeping lateral injections superficial.
  4. Injection points should stay close to the brow to avoid eyelid ptosis.
  5. Avoid diffusion to lower frontalis fibers by keeping corrugator injection points close to the brow.

Treatment of Crow’s Feet Lines (CFLs):

  1. Identify target muscle: lateral orbicularis oculi.
  2. Individualize injection pattern based on CFL distribution.
  3. Use intradermal injections to reach the muscle without increasing bruising risk.
  4. Carefully inject below the lateral canthus in patients with eyelid issues.
  5. Avoid injecting into zygomatic muscles to preserve smile.

Forehead Lines:

  1. Identify target muscles: frontalis.
  2. Use dynamic assessment to determine injection points.
  3. Inject subdermally to minimize bleeding.
  4. Place injection points at least 2 cm above the brows.
  5. Tailor doses and patterns to individual forehead height and muscle localization.

Brow Lift:

  1. Inject superficially below the brow for lateral elevation.
  2. Avoid impairing lower frontalis action.

Lower Eyelid Injections:

  1. Assess lower eyelid tone.
  2. Perform single intradermal injection lateral to mid-pupillary line, 4–5 mm below lid margin.

Bunny Lines:

  1. Identify target muscle: transverse nasalis.
  2. Perform single intradermal injection in bunny-line area.
  3. Avoid lateral injection to prevent smile alteration.

Elevation of Nasal Tip:

  1. Identify target muscle: depressor septi nasi.
  2. Perform single subdermal injection at base of columella for correct indication.

Correction of Gummy Smile:

  1. Perform chemomodulation of upper-lip elevators for mild to moderate cases.
  2. Assess carefully and document preexisting asymmetries.
  3. Perform treatment in two sessions, addressing upper-lip elevators and depressor septi nasi.

Perioral Wrinkles (“Barcode” Lines):

  1. Perform four superficial dermal injections per side.
  2. Use caution in patient selection and dose determination.
  3. Consider association with hyaluronic acid for optimal results.

Step 3: Post-Injection Care

  • Potential complications include bruising, ptosis, and asymmetry.
  • Techniques to reduce bruising include avoiding superficial blood vessels and applying pressure and ice post-injection.
  • Post-procedure precautions include avoiding sleeping face down, bending over, and vigorous exercise.
  • Patients should remain vertical for up to 3 hours post-injection.

Storage and Reconstitution:

  • Botulinum toxin is stored in powder form and must be refrigerated.
  • Reconstitute with preservative-free saline or bacteriostatic/preserved saline.
  • Dilution protocols vary; ensure desired concentration in units/mL.

Ingredient: Clostridium botulinum toxin type A 100 units

Composition: 100 Units

Storage:  Store at 2 ~ 8 in a refrigerator, in hermetic container

Shelf Life: 24 months from manufacturing date

* Botulax 100U dilution guide

Diluent Added (0.9% Sodium Chloride)

Resulting Dose (U/0.1 mL)

Botulax 100U

1.0 mL

10.0 U

2.0 mL

5.0 U

4.0 mL

2.5 U

8.0 mL

1.25 U


Information on this website is for reference purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional. Always read labels, warnings, and directions before use. For more detailed information, visit the manufacturer's website.

Worldwide shipping is available and carried out by international postal services and we charge 30USD per parcel. Orders are sent within three days after confirmation of payment. You will be notified by email on progression of your order and provided tracking numbers for tracing them.
For bulk orders, we kindly ask you to get in touch with us.

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